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Interactive Example

Appearance and Behavior

The Global Status Bar has four main parts: App Icon, App Title, App State, and Logged-in Username. Additional custom features can be added to the Global Status bar. Suggested elements include Clock, Monitoring Icons, and Buttons.

Simplest Global Status Bar - Only include the App Title.
Simplest Global Status Bar - Only include the App Title.
Standard Global Status Bar - App Icon, App Title, App State, and Logged-in Username
Standard Global Status Bar - App Icon, App Title, App State, and Logged-in Username
Complex Global Status Bar - App Icon, App Title, App State, Logged-in Username, Clock, and Monitoring Icons.
Complex Global Status Bar - App Icon, App Title, App State, Logged-in Username, Clock, and Monitoring Icons.

When using the alternate light theme in Astro, the Global Status Bar and all of the elements it contains still use the default dark theme styling.


Do: Correctly and consistently utilize the standard elements that comprise the Global Status Bar.
Do: Correctly and consistently utilize the standard elements that comprise the Global Status Bar.
Don’t: Use icons, labels and colors incorrectly.
Don’t: Use icons, labels and colors incorrectly.
Do: Left justify the application name. Additional custom elements should be centered in the Global Status Bar or right justified (when utilized).
Do: Left justify the application name. Additional custom elements should be centered in the Global Status Bar or right justified (when utilized).
Don’t: Use the Global Status Bar for controls or indications that come and go with different app modes. Reserve it for truly global elements.
Don’t: Use the Global Status Bar for controls or indications that come and go with different app modes. Reserve it for truly global elements.

Asset Status

Asset Version Status
Documentation N/A Available
UI Kit - Dark v7 Available
UI Kit - Light v7 Available
UI Kit - Wireframe v7 Available
Web Component v7 Available
Component Tokens N/A Planned
Status Key
Available In Progress Planned Not Available Deprecated

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