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The Astro UXDS Web Components are designed to be as platform and implementation-agnostic as possible, easy to implement or extend in existing projects, and generic by default. Astro UXDS Web Components adhere to Semantic Versioning. You can read more about our policy on breaking changes on the releases page.

You can view all our developer documentation on Storybook.

Astro Components

In an effort to provide as close to native a development experience as possible, we’ve provided a set of Stencil-powered Web Components distributed in a single packages on npm. You can also see the full source code here and instructions for importing the components in a typical NodeJS project on GitHub.

Astro Icons, Fonts and Colors

We recognize that not all space application development projects are tooled for utilizing Web Components; you can leverage our Design Tokens to create your own components using the Astro Visual Design Language.

You may also view a component’s specifications under their Specifications Tab.

Icon assets are available as SVGs via the Astro Github Repository or export to the format and size you need from the Astro Icons Figma library.

Astro uses the freely available Roboto font.

Astro Storybook and Sample Apps

You can review the latest versions of the web components at the Astro Storybook. The Astro development team uses Storybook as an environment for building and demonstrating the capabilities of each component. For online examples of full Astro app experiences, check out these Service-Specific sample experiences:

Ground Resources ManagementTelemetry, Tracking, and Control
Dashboard - Monitor -
Equipment Manager - Command -
Schedule - Investigate -

These examples use a previous release of Astro, and are not intended as boilerplates for building new applications. See below for easy ways to get started building Astro web applications.

Offline Development Resources

This website and its contents are provided as separate downloadable files for the convenience of developers and designers working in closed environments. Designer and developer assets are provided as downloads on their respective ‘Getting Started’ sections:

Gzip Archive of Astro

Reporting Bugs

If you’ve found a possible bug in Astro documentation or code, open a support ticket to let us know.


Each page on has a support button at the bottom of the page for technical support.


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The source code Git repository and other useful documentation for Astro’s apps are hosted on Please fill out the form below to request access.

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