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Interactive Examples

Astro Status Symbols in context of a modem list layout.
Astro Status Symbols in context of a modem list layout.

Rules of Thumb

  • Use the standard set of Status Symbols provided.
  • Only use the provided colors for status.
  • Use the highest color possible if multiple statuses are consolidated. For example, if the statuses of underlying components are green, yellow, and red, the consolidated indicator is red.
  • For a detailed description of how Status Symbols are used within Monitoring Icons, see Icons and Symbols .
  • To learn more about the usage of status colors, see Status System .

Status Colors

Status colors are provided for both light and dark theme versions of Astro in Hex, RGB, and CSS Custom Property values.

Dark Theme Status Colors

Status Color: Critical
#ff3838255,56,56--status-symbol-color-fill-critical-on-darkCritical, form error, alert, emergency, urgent
Status Color: Serious
#ffb302255,179,2--status-symbol-color-fill-serious-on-darkSerious, error, warning, needs attention
Status Color: Caution
#fce83a252,232,58--status-symbol-color-fill-caution-on-darkCaution, unstable, unsatisfactory
Status Color: Normal
#56f00086,240,0--status-symbol-color-fill-normal-on-darkNormal, on, ok, fine, go, satisfactory
Status Color: Standby
#2dccff45,204,255--status-symbol-color-fill-standby-on-darkStandby, available, enabled
Status Color: Off
#a4abb6158,167,173--status-symbol-color-fill-off-on-darkOff, unavailable, disabled

Light Theme Status Colors

Status Color: Critical
#ff2a04255,42,4--status-symbol-color-fill-critical-on-lightCritical, form error, alert, emergency, urgent
Status Color: Serious
#ffaf3d255,175,61--status-symbol-color-fill-serious-on-lightSerious, error, warning, needs attention
Status Color: Caution
#fad800250,216,0--status-symbol-color-fill-caution-on-lightCaution, unstable, unsatisfactory
Status Color: Normal
#00e2000,226,0--status-symbol-color-fill-normal-on-lightNormal, on, ok, fine, go, satisfactory
Status Color: Standby
#2dccff45,204,255--status-symbol-color-fill-standby-on-lightStandby, available, enabled
Status Color: Off
#7b8089123,128,137--status-symbol-color-fill-off-on-lightOff, unavailable, disabled

Light Theme Status Symbol Borders

  • In light theme Status Symbols should have a 1px border set to the inside of the symbol.
Status Color: Critical
#661102102,17,2--status-symbol-color-border-criticalCritical, alert, emergency, urgent
Status Color: Serious
#664618102,70,24--status-symbol-color-border-seriousSerious, error, warning, needs attention
Status Color: Caution
#645600100,86,0--status-symbol-color-border-cautionCaution, unstable, unsatisfactory
Status Color: Normal
#005a000,90,0--status-symbol-color-border-normalNormal, on, ok, fine, go, satisfactory
Status Color: Standby
#28576640,87,102--status-symbol-color-border-standbyStandby, available, enabled
Status Color: Off
#3c3e4260,62,66--status-symbol-color-border-offOff, unavailable, disabled

Asset Status

Asset Version Status
Documentation N/A Available
UI Kit - Dark v7 Available
UI Kit - Light v7 Available
UI Kit - Wireframe v7 Available
Web Component v7 Available
Component Tokens v1 In Progress
Status Key
Available In Progress Planned Not Available Deprecated

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